Gram Dal

Gram Dal or Bengal Gram is closely related to the chickpea family. It is popularly known as Chana Dal. Chana dal is not only tasty, but also a super healthy way of adding proteins in your diet. It is considered a popular alternative for animal or meat protein. Regular consumption of this dal helps in reducing the malnutrition of children and adults alike. It can be put into salads or made into a curry based dish and consumed as a snack as well. In its natural form it is very hard and not good in taste and is hence preferred salted, roasted or soaked.

Health Benefits

Improves Digestion: It helps improve your digestive system because of the fibre content in it. It prevents constipation. Consuming it regularly can help relieve digestion related problems such as indigestion, vomiting and diarrhea.

Boosts Energy: The amino acid boosts energy in your body because of the rich source of proteins in it. This helps improve the overall functioning of the human body and boosts muscles with energy.

Improves Bone Health: It improves your bone health as it has a good content of calcium. Even the phosphate content along with vitamins help in the absorption of calcium.

Treats Anaemia: High Iron and folate content helps to get rid of iron deficiency. It is extremely beneficial during menstruation, pregnancy and lactation. It also contributes towards boosting your hemoglobin count.

Prevents Diabetes: The legumes have a good amount of fibre thus it is good for diabetes, especially type 1 and 2. The dietary fibre content maintains a normal level of blood insulin and sugar levels and in the absorption of glucose.

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